Monday, 28 November 2011

Body Organs : Matching

_____Stomach1) largest single organ; cleans out poisons in blood and takes vitamins out of the blood
_____Lungs2) destroys worn out red blood cells and stores red blood cells
_____Small Intestine3) gives body its shape and protects organs
_____Skeleton4) helps us smell and uses small hair/mucus to clean and warm air
_____Large Intestine5) makes pancreatic juice and insulin to regulate blood sugar
_____Muscles6) stores a greenish yellow liquid called bile and shaped like a pear
_____Brain7) helps us taste bitter/sweet/sour/salty
_____Spleen8) help us see and uses tear to clean
_____Kidneys9) 5 feet long and pushes solid waste out of the body
_____Bladder10) pumps blood throughout the body
_____Heart11) help us hear
_____Pancreas12) digest or break down food into smaller pieces and hold food for about 2 hours
_____Gall Bladder13) take carbon dioxide out of blood and put oxygen into blood
_____Liver14) clean blood and send liquid waste to bladder
_____Skin15) protects body from getting hurt and covers the whole body
_____Eyes16) sends messages to the body and helps my vital organs do their job (heart/lungs/etc)
_____Nose17) 20 feet long and digests food as it pushes the food to large intestine
_____Ears18) helps hold organs in place and help organs do their job
_____Tongue19) storehouse for liquid waste

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